ISO 27001/17/18 certification

By Docdigitizer

DocDigitizer, a leading Intelligent Document Processing provider, today announced it had been awarded the ISO 27001/17/18 certifications.

The scope of DocDigitizer’s information security management system (ISMS) includes people, processes, and technology to support its all-inclusive IDP service offering of document data extraction and human-in-the-loop validation and training on the fly.

ISO 27001 is one of the most widely recognized and internationally accepted information security standards. It identifies requirements for a comprehensive Information Security Management System (ISMS), and defines how organizations should manage and handle information in a secure manner, including appropriate security controls.

In order to achieve the certification, DocDigitizer’s compliance was validated by an independent security firm after demonstrating an ongoing and systematic approach to managing and protecting company and customer data.

With the successful ISO 27001/17/18 certification, multinational businesses can utilize DocDigitizer APIs trusting that the company has implemented the necessary security best practices.

DocDigitizer is committed to building trust through third-party security assurances such as ISO 27001/17/18. Trust is critical for cloud companies, particularly those that provide data processing services in highly regulated industries such as DocDigitizer. These certifications foster trust and demonstrate our ongoing commitment to safeguarding data."

João Fernandes – CEO – DocDigitizer


Planet Joyn

JOYN is the home of whoever wants to work together
to build a better world through technology.

JOYN is the home of whoever wants to work together  to build a better world through technology.

Happy Hour

One small step for man,
one giant leap for Joyn

Liftoff in T-10…0. We’ve started our adventure!

We’ve launched this project and it was great.

Thank you all, Tanto Faz bar, NInf FCT, students from every nation
and Joyn collaborators from  all universes, you made it possible.

What an incredible Happy-hour in the beginning  of the 2nd semester
just to welcome back FCT students and present JOYN Group.

We surprised people, we made them smile, we  let eyes got brilliant
with simple gestures and  with all of that we connected face to face
and it was all we needed.

Future is bright and much more will be discovered and revealed and
we will be right on the front row to pave the way. Join us and make
history become a story with us.

Stay tuned, soon we will announce the next one.

Until then explore why we do all this.